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Let us help you
Improve your chances of being admitted to the

Graduate School of Your Choice!

What will you get out of our GRE Prep Course?

You will learn to:


  • Recognize traps and avoid wrong answers.
  • Tansform the hardest alegebra word problems into simple arithmetic problems.
  • Concentrate on crucial math concepts without without having to memorize dozens of theorems and rules.

AND, we will also help you increase your verbal score by improving your vocabulary

and by teaching you our powerful Sentence Completions techniques.

For our GRE Prep Course we use the (latest) third edition of

The Official Guide to the GRE,

published by the

Educational Testing Service.

Our philosophy is straightforward!

If you wish to get a better score,

you must practice as many real GRE problems as possible. The more you practice, the better acquainted you will be with the math concepts and the types of questions

that appear on the test.

We can help you work through all the math problems that appear in The Official Guide.

You can work on these math problems from The Official Guide on your own also,

if that’s what you wish.

Click on the link below to watch some free math tutorials.

GRE Third Edition Official Guide - Online Math Prep Tutor One-to-one - Also GMAT, TEAS, HESI, SAT, ACT Algebra, Geometry, Statistics - Keshwani Prep - YouTube

A woman is biting a pencil while using a laptop computer.
A logo for keshwani prep established in 1994

Preparation for the verbal portion of the test is a bit tricky. Reading skill is not something one can develop over a short period of time.

The most effective strategy to raise your score on the verbal part is to work through as many Sentence Completion questions as possible. That’s where most people take a hit.

Performing better on the Sentence Completion is mostly a matter of vocabulary. If you don’t know the words, there is not much you can do, other than to get attracted by the suckers’ answers.

We can help you improve your vocabulary. Please visit our Vocabulary Page to learn more.

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